Hi, I'm Dr. Pablo Paniagua, economist and Professor of Political Economy at Universidad Del Desarrollo (UDD). I am the Academic Director of the Master's Program in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (MPPE) at UDD, and Researcher at Centro Faro UDD. I am also a Research Fellow at King's College London (KCL). I am also a Research Affiliate of the Ostrom Workshop at Bloomington Indiana, and a Senior Research Fellow at the Fundación para el Progreso (FPP).
I am a political economist interested in governance challenges broadly understood, analysed through a philosophy, politics, and economics (PPE) perspective. I received my M.Sc. in Economics and Finance from the Polytechnic University of Milan (PoliMI) and my Ph.D. in Political Economy from the University of London. I am the author of more than 30 articles, essays, and books dealing with various aspects of political economy, governance, and philosophy.
I have published in several scientific and indexed journals such as: Journal of Institutional Economics, Economy and Society, Cambridge Journal of Economics, and Public Choice. My most recent book, Atrophy: Our Crossroads and the Challenge of Modernization, was published by RIL Editores.